The Nocturnum

Episode 19: A Return to Twilight, Part One

Original Air Date: 8/14/2005

This episode is an original work, which can be found Here (Note: file not uploaded yet). As with many of our recent episodes, the events herein are rather specific to this season and my cast, but should easily adapt to any group. Also, readers familiar with the WitchCraft cosmology will note references to the Twilight World. This is not to be confused with the Twilight Lands as described in the Mystery Codex; it is a different realm entirely; a Tainted mirror of Earth that is connected to Hod.

Special Guest Stars:

Omar Sharif as Dr. Armedt

Heath Ledger as Daniel

Marisa Tomei as Amara


Our heroes get news from Amara and Dr. Armedt that Daniel has used powerful Invocations to escape from Alan, but that something went wrong in the casting, and now the Rosicrucians have lost contact with him, almost as though he had dropped off the face of the Earth.

On the heels of this news, they gather their supplies and cast the spell that will transport them to the Twilight World, a Tainted nightmare realm which is connected to both Malkuth and Hod. Anita, Drake, and Cyan have been here once before, when they defeated and banished the Shk'ryth, Gary Augustine, to the mercies of the Twilight Queen, a Mad God who has taken up residence in this reality.

Upon arrival in the Twilight World, the Cast is relieved to find the tower that imprisons the Queen has been rebuilt, somehow, and that she apparently slumbers once again. The air here is filled with sulfur, and the sky is the yellow-purple of a bad bruise. The landscape mirrors that of Earth, but all the buildings are blasted out, as though a full-scale nuclear war had taken place here. Zombie-like mirrors of all the people they know back home walk the streets mindlessly. Anita reasons that these must be dream-reflections of the real people, and that it's probably best to leave them alone.

As the Cast tries to determine where in this bleak world they can find the Night Rose, they find themselves under attack, first by a gang of vampires, then by a group of horrific, skeletal, gargoyle-like creatures covered in spikes that seem largely immune to the Cast's attacks, save those of Klaus, who tears through them like a hot knife through butter. Given the disparity in numbers (there are over a dozen of these hellish creatures,and some are winged), the Cast runs for the hills, when a group of what appear to be resistance fighters charge from the shadows to their rescue. To the Cast's dismay, many of these saviors seem to be tainted sorcerers. Others are Disciples of the Flesh, like Klaus.

The Cast's saviors aid them in running a gauntlet from the Twilight mirror of Oakland to the mirror of downtown Pittsburgh, and into what on Earth is a subway stop. Here the opening leads to an underground series of tunnels filled with more Disciples and Tainted sorcerers, who the Cast learns are Mockers.

During their time with the Mockers, the Cast learns the "rules" in the Twilight Lands: time passes far more quickly here than it does on Earth, but no one in the Twilight Lands ages. In fact, more than five years have passed in the Twilight Realms for the past year on earth. The world is the reflection of mankind's nightmares, and so contains features that aren't exactly logical; for example, blasted-out, destroyed stores and homes may still inexplicably contain fresh food and water. There is no electricity here, but battery-powered objects brought from other worlds will still function, and batteries may sometimes be found in stores. Anything that is feared by someone on Earth could become an horrific monster here. In addition, everyone on Earth has a mirror in the Twilight World. These mirrors, though generally zombie-like manifestations of the real person's subconscious, can be awakened and made to serve evil forces. Anita begins to wonder if Alan is the real Alan, or some sort of twisted double.

The creatures the Cast fought are called Shadow Stalkers. They serve the mysterious rulers of this realm. This sparks a realization in the Cast that the Twilight Queen is not, in fact, the ruling power in this realm, but is a prisoner in the tower. The Mockers and Pariahs managed to stop an invasion of Earth well over twenty years ago (Twilight World time) but several groups became trapped here in the process. Now many remain voluntarily, acting as a resistance movement and counter against further attempts to invade Earth. Anita hits it off very well with the Mockers, finding their madness endearing. She discovers through talking to various Mockers and Pariahs that the Mockers are a group of Tainted men and women who once served the Mad Gods, but have since turned away and though quite mad, now fight against them. She files away information about the Covenant in case she needs it later.

Neither the Mockers nor the Pariahs have heard of Gary Augustine. They have, however, heard of the Night Rose, and are able to provide the Cast with directions on where to find it. The Journey will take roughly two weeks of travel through the wilds of the Twilight World. The Cast are instructed to avoid shadowy areas and stay in the light as much as possible, for Shadow Stalkers are formed of shadow and can attack invisibly so long as they remain in darkness. The Cast can, if they must, fight the Shadow Stalkers through the use of their powers. For reasons unknown, the attacks of Pariahs are especially effective against Shadow Stalkers, but all magic or magically-enhanced powers will harm the creatures.

After a night's rest, the Cast sets off for the Night Rose, battling Shadow Stalkers, scrounging for food, and nearing their destination: the Twilight World version of the Poconos. As they reach the base of the mountain range, a figure comes staggering out of the shadows, with several Shadow Stalkers on his heels. The Cast leaps to the rescue and defeats the Shadow Stalkers, only to discover that their badly wounded chage is none other than Daniel! They take him to a storefront where they bind his wounds and heal him through magic as best they can. When he awakens, he is surprised to see the Cast, and they exchange notes. Daniel, it seems, became trapped here when a Gateway Invocation he used to escape from Alan's clutches misfired and opened a dimensional portal instead of one back to Pittsburgh. He has been trapped in the wilds ever since.

When the Cast describes the flower they seek, Daniel says he's seen it, up in the mountains just outside of a small town. He says there is an entire bush full of them there.

With Daniel in tow, the Cast resumes their trek. Daniel leads them to a bluff overlooking the Twilight World mirror of Miner's Folly. He guides them to the remains of a bush, which has recently been burned to a cinder. The Cast's hearts sink. Daniel says, "I was just here! This has to be recent. I only know one thing for sure..." then turns and plunges a knife straight into Anita's chest, sneering, "Alan says hello."

Drake immediately leaps into action, devastating the man with a series of punches and kicks. To the group's surprise, "Daniel" turns into a puddle of black ooze under the weight of Drake's blows.

At just that moment, forty Shadow Stalkers and twenty Tainted sorcerers emerge from the rocks surrounding the Cast, and a spell renders the group unconscious...

To Be Continued...

Great Quotes:

Drake: Daniel's back.
Anita: Where is he?
Drake: Daniel? Not a clue.

(Upon seeing Megan dressed by John in clothes bought at Cabela's)
Anita: Now she looks like a normal militant little girl.

(John hands Klaus a gun)
Klaus: I won't be needing that. I have a distaste for guns.
John: Do you know how to use it?
Klaus: Yes...
John: Then take it. You never know when you might need it.
Drake (stage whisper to Klaus): Just take the guns, bury them somewhere, and let that be the end of it.
John: I'm standing right here, Drake.

Klaus: Centuries ago, ze Germans vere all about ze frowning and ze shaking of ze heads. Now ve are all about ze smiling and ze nodding.

Anita (with a grin, re: zombie-like "people"): Let's just ignore them!

Anita: The Twilight World is a qlippoth of Malkuth.
John: God bless you.

Klaus (to Cyan): You're Jesus!

(After Drake freaks out about being bitten by a vampire)
Director: So you are all trying to calm Drake down, yes?
John's player: I'm actually considering knocking Drake unconscious.

Anita's player: Oh, herr direktor? I'm running.

Klaus (Re: John's Key of Earth power): He gave it a raise, so it felt like vorking overtime.

Matt (Pariah leader): Most of the doubles, if awakened, try to break free. They don't like it here.
Cyan: Can't imagine why, paradise like this...

Drake: You're all going to be tortured.
John: What do you mean?
Drake: By a woman with big black wings. Exept you (points to Anita)
Anita: Well that's something.
Drake: You won't be well, either. Someone's going to stab you to death. Drake: Someone who doesn't like you very much.

Anita (desperate for coffee): Hey! You, over there! Be scared of Starbucks, will you?
Random Mocker #1: BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! That's great! I'll have to remember that! (to another Mocker) Hey, did you hear about the one where Starbucks is scary?
Anita: I love these guys!

Director: You love them, except that they make you nauseous.
Anita's player: Lots of people do that to me.

Klaus: How does Anita like her coffee?
Anita: Dark and bitter, just like my men. Klaus: I take mine black, just like my lungs.

Anita: Bye, guys!
Mockers (In unison): Goodbye, Anita!
Anita: You kids be good till I get back, okay?

John: Okay, let me see your war face!
(Klaus starts crying)

Director (reading stats of monster): OOoooh!! It's got tentacles, too! John's player: You are evil.

Klaus: This is my fault. I helped you translate that book.
Anita: No, it's my fault. You don't need anything else to blame yourself for.

Fake Daniel: Well, I do know one thing...(stabs Anita in the chest with a poisoned dagger) Alan sends his regards.

Great Moments:

Cut Scene: Daniel turns his iron shackles into consecrated reservoirs for Essence, then uses that Essence to blast Alan and his mysterious mistress through the wall, then tears open a gateway in time and space and steps through.

Drake gets bitten by a vampire. He goes sheet white and completely flips out, terrified of becoming a monster again.

Klaus uses a disposable lighter to blow up a winged Shadow Stalker (Plot Twist Drama Point: "My lighter hits the monster just right so that it blows up...igniting the sulfur in the air")

The group meets the Mockers for the first time. Anita feels strong empathy with them.

